Mudae Bot Features, Mudae Commands and Setup Guide

mudae commands

Mudae bot is the most popular bot on the web, having utilized more than 9 million discord servers with mudae commands. This bot is famous for its game, in which you must collect husbando & waifu in unique comic books & video games. To properly utilize this potential, the Mudae bot includes a mechanism that allows users into whichever language they desire.

This chatbot had over 40,000 waifu & husbando variants. You may also use Mudae commands to change the bot to your desired language. Individuals may even play games with their friends using discord in various languages. This bot performs functions similar to Karuta devices, it also has numerous important differences.

Mudae Bot is a popular discord bot that has over 30,000 followers. It is well-known for its character roulette game, which includes vast characters (nearly 60’000 waifu & husbando avatars) from various games, comic novels, anime series, and other sources. Continue reading to know more about the popular discord mudae commands, their unique characteristics, features & instructions, and even how to enable them to their server.

A Mudae Bot Is Now Available On Discord Server Using Mudae Commands

There seems like a connection between attaching other bots & integrating the Mudae commands to their server. The following phases will make the procedure appear less complex.

Approach – 1

Inviting the Mudae bot to their discord server is the initial step in integrating it. Users may easily do so by going to the Mudae commands homepage. Aside from that, you may directly invite the Mudae bot while using the web page invite link. It is also accessible via the Discord server.

Approach – 2

After clicking on the user invite link, individuals are directed to the discord server. Users need to choose a discord server for other individuals who like to add the Mudae bot. If you have already signed in to your server & connected using discord.

Approach – 3

Once you’ve chosen a Discord server, you simply connect the Mudae bot to it. You must first allow your bot rights before you can proceed. Don’t provide the botany authority until you’ve gone over the permissions and decided how much individuals are willing to authorize.

You have mapped the Mudae bot to your discord server. The next thing I propose is that users join the Mudae bot support community. The support society will aid you from other members of the community, and you will always have someone to turn to if you get stuck. To fully utilize the Mudae bot, connect with the Mudae bot supportive community.

Making Use Of Mudae Commands & The Mudae Bot

Once you’ve uploaded the bot to your Discord server, you may use Mudae commands to make waifus & husbandos manifest in chat rooms. Individuals can claim their husband & waifu by using the Mudae bot instructions.

Mudae Commands Bot Possesses A Lot Of Distinguishing Characteristics

Mudae Bot is amazing not to be on your server if users want to have a positive experience. It is well-known for its personality games available and other distinctive characteristics. It includes the following items.

  • There are around 250,000 pictures and animated gifs.
  • The ability to personalize waifu attributes
  • Individuals acquire Kakera keys & use them to strengthen their harem.
  • The ability to fight with your avatars in multiplayer mode.
  • Pokémon may be caught at Rocket Casino.
  • A variety of one-of-a-kind multiplayer language & multiple-quiz games
  • Anime-related manga & drawings, as well as characters, searches for several anime/Pokemon.
  • The command $help allows you to quickly access hundreds of useful commands.
  • Consistent enhancements based on user feedback to ensure the Mudae chatbot is up to date and user-friendly. On May 29, 2021, for example, almost 4000 new avatars were introduced.

Basic Discord Mudae Commands

Mudae commands will yield and claim sHusbando’s & waifu’s for you to tie the knot. The orders include individuals from the game & the manga. Using the ‘g’ key, you can roll a manga or a game character. Using the ‘x’ key, individuals may maneuver all at the same time.

$waifu’s ($w)

This is one of the most fundamental Mudae commands, and it will choose a woman character from a game or anime at random. Video game ($wg) avatar or women anime ($wa) can tie a knot. 

$husbando’s ($h)

A Mudae command that operates in the opposite direction as the one before it, enabling you to choose a random lead man character from a game or anime. You may even marry a male character from a video game ($hg) or an anime ($ha).

$marry ($m)

These mudae commands aren’t on the list of must-have Mudae commands because it lets you pick any random avatar off an anime or game. The culprits might be husbando or waifu.

List Of Mudae Commands

Between all 450 commands are approximately Mudae bot instructions. Mudae commands, to name a few, are directly associated with moderation, utility & customization. You may even mix and match the Mudae instructions. Here are a few instances, along with descriptions of their roles. These Mudae instructions will only be required once. All of the instructions do not have to be memorized. You may find them using the help command or in the documentation.

Harem Arrangement

All of the mudae commands mentioned below are included in this.

  • $divorce: Divorcing a character
  • $firstmarry: Changing your preferred character
  • $give: Gifting the player mentioned (limited)
  • $marryexchange: Exchanging characters with a player mentioned
  • $mymarry: Creating an inventory of conquests
  • $profile: Displaying your profile on the server
  • $sortmarry: Sorting the characters

Search Mudae Commands

All of the mudae commands mentioned below are included in this.

  • $fn: Finding the notes in your harem
  • $fnall: Finding the notes in all the harems
  • $infomarry: Searching for a character
  • $infomarrya: Searching for a series
  • $left: Checking the number of characters in your server
  • $top: Checking the top 1000 characters
  • $topserv: Ranking the server characters

Customization Mudae Commands

All of the mudae commands mentioned below are included in this. These commands involve using letters to denote commands.

  • $addcustom: Adding a custom character
  • $addimg: Adding a custom image for a character
  • $alias: Swapping the main name for your available alias
  • $alias2: Changing your secondary alias to anything you want
  • $alist: Looking for available aliases for your character
  • $changeimg: Changing the image of the main character
  • $like: Adding a character to the likelist
  • $likelist: Checking the list of your favourite characters
  • $note: Adding a text adjacent to a character
  • $noteimg: Adding messages for images
  • $randomimg: Randomizing images during rolls
  • $rollsleft: Changing the position of the ‘2 rolls left’ message

Moderation Mudae Commands

All of the mudae commands mentioned below are included in this.

  • $bitesthedust: (server owner) Resetting all harems on Discord
  • $channeldeny: (admin) Disabling a few commands in the channel being used currently
  • $channelrestrict: (admin) Restricting a few commands to allow for their use in the current channel
  • $cleanuser: (admin) Resetting the harem as well as the wishes from a user
  • $clearnotes: (admin) Clearing the user’s notes
  • $clearwishes: (admin) Resetting the user’s wishes
  • $forcedivorce: (admin) Releasing a character
  • $fullreset: (admin) Creating a list of commands for a full reset
  • $leftusers: Creating a list of players who are no longer part of the server
  • $resetalias2: (admin) Resetting all $alias2 for the characters of the user OR those that haven’t been claimed yet
  • $restore: (admin) Restoring a character
  • $restorelist: Creating a list of characters that have been divorced via moderation commands
  • $thanos: (admin) Randomly divorcing 50 percent of the user harem
  • $thanosall: (admin) Divorcing 50 percent of the harem of every player in Discord
  • $userdivorce: Resetting the harem of the owner of the character

Server Option Mudae Commands

All of the mudae commands mentioned below are included in this.

  • $channelinstance: (admin) Creating a new server in the channel
  • $gamemode: (admin) Changing the game mode of the server
  • $haremlimit: (admin) Changing the maximum characters per user
  • $servlimroul: (mode 2, admin) Disabling characters that are less popular
  • $setinterval: (admin + server premium II) Changing the exact minute of resetting the claim or rolls
  • $setrare: (admin) Changing the spawn rarity of owned characters
  • $setrolls: (admin) Decreasing or increasing the rolls for the entire server
  • $settimer: (admin) Changing the number of seconds while you claim a character
  • $settings: Creating a list of settings on the server
  • $shifthour: (admin) Shift the exact hour of the claim reset
  • $toggleclaimrolls: (admin) Displaying or not displaying the claim ranks
  • $togglereact: (admin) Changing the hearts added automatically under the rolls


With over 30’000+ regular users globally, adjustable character traits, a large choice of fantastic games to play, and the most helpful instructions, Mudae Bot is one of the most remarkable chatbots that will improve individual discord, and unique experience. This is a thorough analysis of Mudae Bot. Simply follow the procedures outlined again to connect your domain & eventually make use of the services it provides.

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