xResolver – Your Ultimate Guide to IP Address Lookup


Can you relate to getting kicked out of an Xbox game in the middle of a payment? So, you’ve come to the right place. Read on to learn about xResolver, its effects on you, and how to turn off IP removal in xResolver. You can also get your IP address and Xbox gamer tag deleted from xResolver.

What is xResolver?

Scammers at xResolver have amassed a database of IP addresses belonging to Xbox and PS4 players. You may discover someone’s IP address by searching for their gamertag using xResolver. A malicious actor with access to sensitive information, such as an IP address, may launch a distributed denial of service (DDOS) attack, try to compromise your system or network, disseminate malware, or even wipe out all of the computers and devices linked to that network.

The xResolver patch has the most impact on Rainbow Six Siege and Call of Duty: Black Ops 4. Many people have expressed their dissatisfaction with Xresolver.com on the Microsoft Xbox forum.

The site proprietors insist that all the information provided is public and that xResolver does not engage in unlawful behavior. While that’s partly accurate, linking your Gamertag to your IP address makes it much too simple for others to cyber-harass you or otherwise ruin your gaming experience by removing you from the game.

How Is xResolver Operational?

Xresolver.com revolves around OctoSniff. If you want to know the IP address of any user on Xbox or PlayStation, you may utilize xResolver’s packet capture tool, OctoSniff. Anyone may discover your IP address if they join your gaming party and install OctoSniff from xResolver.

Because online gaming is peer-to-peer, your IP address will be visible to everyone in the party. Using OctoSniff, you can quickly discover the IP addresses of all the Gamertags linked to that party.

How extensive is the xResolver IP database?

More information is currently needed on the size of xResolver’s Gamertag or IP address. The database is small. Over 100 million people worldwide play Xbox Live. Attempting to mine data from that many people would be an enormous challenge. At most, one million users’ IP addresses should be stored by xResolver, which works out to less than one percent of all Xbox Live subscribers.

Get rid of IP addresses from xResolver

You have learned the ins and outs of xResolver and its potential effects on you. You may want to know how to have your Xresolver.com IP and gamertag removed right now. All five of xResolver’s IP removal techniques are detailed here.

VPN Use: The Gold Standard

Services such as virtual private networks (VPNs) are specifically designed to handle situations like this. Virtual private networks (VPNs) do more than simply mask your IP address from prying eyes; they also unlock websites and provide access to otherwise restricted resources and information. A virtual private network (VPN) shields your online activity from prying eyes. You may quickly change your IP address by re-establishing your VPN connection to a new geographical. 

Restart the Router to Change the IP Address

To use it, you must know your computer’s IP address. However, only some have a static IP address, so if you want to change yours, you may do so by rebooting your router or logging back into your internet service provider account. With ISPs that provide dynamic IP, this would be a perfect fit.

Request that your Internet service provider (ISP) change your IP address.

If your internet service provider (ISP) offers static IP addresses, then contacting them is your best bet for changing your IP. Feel free to describe your predicament and mention Xresolver. Your account will be assigned new IP addresses.

Disable xResolver’s IP Tracking and Blocklisting Features

For a fee, you may have xResolver delete your IP address and gamertag from their database and ban your account. Getting it deleted from this directly is a good idea if you are having trouble with your gaming experience and don’t have any other options. 

Manually remove IP addresses by filling out a data removal form 

Your gamertag and IP address will be erased from xResolver after you submit the form, but that doesn’t mean your IP address won’t be added again.


Users of the contentious website Xresolver may see and exchange details with other internet users, most notably their IP addresses. While Xresolver’s original intent was to help players block and report hostile users, it has recently come to light as a tool that cyberbullies and doxxed have been abusing.

To sum up, Xresolver is a major problem with online privacy today. Its intended purpose—improving online gaming experiences—shows the need to protect personal information online. Users should be wary about giving out personal information and on the lookout for any signs of security breaches. To tackle this and the dangers it poses to people and communities online, both community initiatives and governmental actions may be required.

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